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Post by Admin Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:26 pm

MARK 10:32-52

Goal of Session: We all tend to have a different understanding of Jesus because of our background, wisdom, maturity, and time in the Word. In this lesson we will look at one of his outstanding characteristics; his desire to lead by serving.

ATTENTION LEADERS: Be prepared to share again what Jesus means to you and don’t assume all the kids in your group have made Him Lord of their life. Be prepared and willing to share the gospel and invite them to pray with you.

Too many kids will hear this topic and figure they know it all already and tune the Word out. Challenge them to come before Scripture with an open mind and ready to learn something new or be reminded about Jesus. Give them a chance to pray this for a moment on their own.



Think of a leader (coach, parent, friend, mentor, youth leader, grandparent, teacher, etc.) who motivated you beyond your expectations or challenged you to become a better person. Have everyone share about that person and the character qualities they possess.


Read Make 10:32-52

As Jesus leads the way to Jerusalem, what impression do you get of Him as compared with the others (vs 32-34)?
• Disciples were perhaps a bit in shock, confusion, and wonder because of all the events happening around them. The people following were afraid, not sure what to expect.
• There was a strong sense of calm and purpose to Jesus.
• He pulled his disciples aside to once again predict his death & keep them focused. He was not focused on the past but upon the terrible days ahead and understood fully why they were necessary.

How does the request of James and John seem inappropriate in light of verses 32-34?
• They were being very selfish. Christ is explaining the horrible death and betrayal He will face but their thoughts were on their own gain. Note: Christ’s patience with them. He does not explode in rage or stop talking to them.

What do you think it means to sit at Jesus’ right and left hand (vs 37)?
• In Jesus’ culture, the seats on the right and left hand of a host or ruler were the positions of greatest honor and power. They wanted to be honored above all of his other disciples and followers in a public way that showed their importance.

How might someone express a similar attitude to Jesus today?
• Often we feel God loves us more than others. We desire to make others look bad so that we can look good. Instead of doing something with pure motivations we do things to be noticed by others and be rewarded. We put others down to build ourselves up, etc.

How does Jesus challenge their request in verses 38-40?
• He tells them they do not understand what they are asking for. Move on to the next question quickly to explain what is meant by “cup” and “baptism”.

What does he mean by his “cup” and his “baptism” (Check out Matt 26:39 and Romans 6:3-4)?
• The term “cup” is an Old Testament symbol for suffering (Isaiah 51:17). The image of baptism, like the cup, refers to Christ’s suffering and death.
• So in these verses, Jesus is saying, “you don’t know what you’re asking for. Could you handle the suffering, humiliation, pain and death that I will go through without sinning or giving up?”
• Notice that Jesus predicts that each of them will die a martyrs (someone killed for their faith in God) death. They still do not seem to understand the depth of what Christ is saying. However, in time they will.

Read verse 41. Why do you think the other disciples were so upset at James and John?
• Could be many things. Perhaps, they were angry that they tired to put themselves ahead of the others.
• Perhaps, they were upset because they made them all look bad in front of Jesus
• Perhaps, they were embarrassed that they would try such a low, untimely tactic.
• More than likely it was the first suggestion.

Read verses 42-45. How does Jesus stand the world’s concept of greatness on its head-both in his teaching and his example?
• The whole concept of leadership and greatness changed when Christ stooped down as a servant. In their desire for greatness, people are clamoring for positions at the top (using whatever tactics necessary), where the competition is the greatest. Yet according to Jesus, the true path to greatness lies at the bottom (“…slave of all!”), where there is very little competition. In his life and death Jesus modeled the kind of leadership he desires in us.
• “a ransom” was the price paid to free someone from bondage. Jesus, of course, paid our price to set us free from death and sin.

What opportunities for greatness do you have at home, at work, at school, or in youth group?
• Don’t accept cheesy, simple answers like “be nice”, “serve others”. Push beyond that. How will you be nice to others? How will you serve others? Ask for specific examples.

Read verses 46-52. How are they related to what we have just studied? Do you think this was just a coincidence that it happened next?
• Christ emphasized the point by living it out before his followers. He calls us to do the same. Talk and knowledge are cheap. This truth should change our lives.
• Perhaps have them contrast the attitudes between the crowd and Jesus toward blind Bartimaeus.

It’s been said that “Leadership seeks great things, and acts in small things.” How sis Jesus show this?
• “seeks great things”- for others, not for self.
• “acts in small things”- evident in everyday life, not just the grand stage

Compared to leaders our world values, what attracts you to a leader like Jesus?

Here is a verse for the week:
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
-Matthew 6:21

What more could I add to that. What’s your focus? What’s your treasure? Where’s your heart at? Is it where it needs to be? Don’t to forget that the more you are studying God’s word God’s will for your life will be revealed and God’s plans for your life are nothing be good.

Thanks Everyone. I’ll see you Wednesday.


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Registration date : 2007-12-19

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