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Extreme Bop!

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Extreme Bop! Empty Extreme Bop!

Post by HopeBayBibleCamp Wed May 12, 2010 5:48 pm

Extreme Bop!
What you will need-
a large bucket (a garbage can works well try to get an old one.)
1-2 large floaty noodles (1 noodle cut in half works well.)
a circle of kids!

What to do-
Have your group sit in a large circle, place the garbage can in the middle.
have two staff start out as examples.
Each staff take a piece of a noodle and walk around the middle of the circle, they each pick someone on the outside of the circle and "bop" them on the knee. (try to discourage "bopping" on the head or torso)
as soon as they "bop" someone they run to the middle of the circle (where the garbage can is) and drop their noodle into the garbage can, and then run back to where the person was sitting before.
The person who was "bopped" on the knee, has a chance as soon as they are "bopped" they can run after the person with the noodle and as soon as the person lets the noodle go (it must be in the garbage can before they can grab it) they can grab the noodle and try to "bop" the other person before they sit back down. it goes in a circle until someone reaches the spot without being "bopped".

Depending on your group this game can become pretty intense, with smaller kids it is usually alot of giggles. Teens tend to become very competative, and depending on how "extreme" you want things to get, you can set rules.
I have seen versions of this game where people have been dragged back into the circle, "bopped" and then set back down.
its alot of fun, kids really like it.


Number of posts : 10
Organization Name : Hope Bay Bible Camp
Postion : Program Director
Name : Leah Granger
Registration date : 2010-05-12

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